
bill-photo   My given name is William Hendrix Murphy, Jr., I usually go by Ole Bill online. During high school they never knew if I was William, Bill, or Billy. My Dad’s relatives call me Billy Hendrix. Ole friends from work-days simply referred to me as Mud, B. Mud, or simply Murf. So I had several pen names before I even needed one!

Carol and I have been married for almost 47 years now – and that’s a book within itself, believe me! She’s the most inspiring, patient, and supportive human alive. She keeps me a happy camper. We have, 4 daughters, 11 grandchildren, and (as of this writing) 6 great-grands – and 2 dogs.

I wrote my first piece at age 12, 60+ years ago – and was hooked.

At an early age my life’s goal was to become an aeronautical engineer, due to my deep fondness for flight and flying machines. But early in secondary education, I was shocked awake by the fact that there’s a major difference between balsa wood (models) and titanium (actual aircraft). I quickly tweaked my education toward commercial art. I retired in 2001 from Jitney-Jungle Stores of America, Inc., a large family owned grocery business, as Creative Director.

At that time I got down to the serious business of writing – temporarily that is. In 2003 I was I working as a substitute teacher for the Madison County School District (MS). I fell in love with ‘work’ with Special Education children – I told them so – and was promptly hired on full time as a teacher’s assistant. It was the most rewarding period of my life! I told everyone that I ‘fit right in.’ And I did – I loved every second of it. I retired again in 2013, and move to Carterville, Illinois to be near our children/grandchildren who live here. I also began writing again – in earnest.

Did I mention that I’m a Christian? I try to be. I want to be. I make no apologies for it. And – I hope/pray that you’ll believe that I am.

Yes, I still occasionally build a model airplane – but writing is my passion.  Please be patient with me as I build this blog. I hope you’ll find something worthy of your reading time within these pages. Thanks!




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